The well known Technology University having the habit of publishing results in their Anna University student portal. Even though the way of checking results is a handy feature for their students; there is a catch to worry sometimes. And that is the word WH in students’ results. And What is that WH 1, 2, 3, 4. . . . . . . . WH99? And here we are going to see the Anna University Withheld details briefly.
Hmm, We is Ready to Clear your Doubts! HURRAAYYY🥳
Let us jump quickly into What is WH in Anna University results? And Why it’s bothering you?
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What is WH or With Held?
Our beloved Anna University is very clever in managing hundreds of colleges all over Tamil Nadu. And it is responsible for approximately a million students’ results every year. So, while conducting the exams, Valuating student’s answer papers, and preparing results; the University has to cross various barriers. And this is where the WH came into existence. How sweet the story was🤩. And the Always busy University name With-Held as WH1, WH2, WH3 Blah Blah Blah… WH99, WHRX, WHG10 . . . Uff 😤 seriously Hurting!!!

So, Do You Want to Worry About this?
Yes! Of course, you have to. Because streaming a Netflix movie is not easy after seeing a Wh’X’ in your results, Right? Did you see a WH in your result? Then DON’T PANIC. This may come for several reasons, and absolutely not for your own mistakes itself. But you should always be the first in the race to get clarity about the issue and what causes it?
Okay, Enough Story; Let Us Get Some Details!
Here comes the list from Anna University. We are detailing here for your convenience.
What is WH6?
Usually, the WH code is used for the students against Malpractice, and also when the university is not clear on the things of your written examination. In this case, WH6 comes as Withheld for want of clarification. This means the students will be asked for a clarification from the university regarding the written exam through their college management. This happens for a variety of reasons, so students don’t need to bother. Just consult your college staff. And in the meantime prepare the items such as Hall Ticket, Exam Timetable, Subject name/Code, and semester of subjects in your pockets.
More Anna University WithHeld details are given below
WHI : Withheld for want of Internal Mark (Mark not provided by the college)
WHE : Withheld for want of Practical Mark (Mark not provided by the college)
WHB : Withheld for want of Internal Mark and Practical Mark (Mark not provided by the
WHV : Withheld for want of Viva-Voce Mark
WH1 : Withheld for suspected Malpractice
WH2 : Withheld for want of approval of admission / re-admission / transfer from
DTE & Director, Student Affairs.
WH3 : Withheld – Court Case
WH4 : Withheld for want of clearance from Director (CEP)
WH5 : Withheld for want of clearance from Director (Student Affairs)
WH6 : Withheld for want of clarification
WH7 : Withheld for want of clarification from the Director (AC) about the
additional subjects to be written due to the change of regulation
WH8 : Withheld for want of clarification from the Director (AC) about the
equivalency of subjects for the students admitted in v and vii semester)
WH9 : Withheld for want of clarification from Director, Chairman sports board
WH10 : Withheld for non cooperation by the college in central valuation
WH11 : Results will be published along with the lower semester results
WH12 : Hard copy of Attendance sheets not provided by the College / Attendance
not uploaded by the College
WH13: Examination Fees not paid by the College
WH14: Teacher Candidates
WH15: Result will be released after the receipt of Proforma II from the Principal of the
colleges concerned.
WH99: Result will be published LATER
WHG10: in Process
Here is the PDF Anna University Published for WH results.
Hope you got a bit of an idea on the things! Thanks for coming. Please comment below if you have any doubts. We are happy to answer.
The students from Anna University can check their own results, attendance, and exam schedule by visiting Student Login. also developed an easier way to find your CGPA, Anna University CGPA Calculator (Cumulative Grade Point Average). We are also available in Anna University App
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