Anna University WH Results Published

Anna University Withheld Results of Nov/Dec 2020 Exam Published for Regular Students – Check Results Here

Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, Anna University has Conducted the Semester examination for UG/PG Courses. The Nov/Dec 2020 Examination was delayed and later conducted in Feb 2021. Since the situation is not favorable for physical examination, Anna University conducted the semester examination online. Followingly, Anna University has published the result for UG/PG courses at the beginning of April. In the Anna University Result, most of the student’s results were withheld with WH6 and WHG10.  And Now, the Anna University WH result 2021 were out for the regular students, who have written their Nov/Dec 2020 Examination.

Regular candidates whose results were withheld with WH6 and WH10 can check the results now. Students can use the Anna University Student Login Portal to check the results. To check the WH Result in Anna University, students can use their register number, date of birth and the captcha provided in the result section to view the results.


Further, the students from Anna University can download their syllabus for all subjects Click here to download for Free. We also updated all your Syllabus, Notes, Question banksQuestion Papers in our Android App here. Don’t run with fear; just clear all your queries by checking Anna University FAQ page.

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